Standards for finned evaporators

1.Standards for finned evaporators: 1. Evaporators made by welding steel wire and steel tubes.

2. Benchmarks for design, processing and measurement of plate evaporators.

3. Different processing stages during the processing of evaporators.

4. Evaporators made by combining metal tubes and metal plates, the main form of which is finned evaporators bonded with aluminum tubes and aluminum plates.

5. The figure formed by all the channels through which the refrigerant flows in the evaporator.

6. Evaporators made by metal tube sleeve fin process or with single ridge fins on aluminum tubes.

7. The processing method of inserting the capillary tube from the connecting tube into the plate evaporator and embedding it at the pipe inlet of the plate.

8. The processing method of finned evaporators using self-adhesive paper tape to stick to the plate and finally squeeze it by foaming.

9. Plate-shaped evaporator with metal plates and channels formed between the plates. Its main forms are plate-type evaporators made by printing, aluminum-aluminum composite, rolling, and inflation processes.

Post time: Oct - 10- 2024